

Thank you for checking out my site. I believe that attractive, informative design should be accessible to all, whether in high end fashion spreads or grocery store aisles. I am interested in creating dynamic layouts, bold print pieces and packaging that demands a closer look. On my shelves you’ll find video games and ‘90s hip hop sitting alongside classic films by Fellini and pulp noir classics. I grew up in Denver, and now live in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. I am experienced in branding, iconography, user interface design, print design, and digital illustration. In my free time I enjoy making collages, experimenting with type design, and taking photographs.


Hello, I am Graphic Designer based in Seattle. I am often inspired by video games, ‘90s hip hop, and Fellini films. I am experienced in branding, iconography, user interface design, print design, and digital illustration. I also enjoy traveling, making collages, experimenting with type design, and taking photographs.


Adobe Illustrator 
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe After Effects 
MS Office Suite 

Logo Design
Vector Illustration 
Print & Layout 
Icon Design 
UI & Dashboard Design 
Experience Design